Market studies

We provide you with a detailed report with all the information you need to position your product effectively on Amazon.

Estudio de

Product Identification and Category Analysis


Competitor Analysis


Market Trend Study


Demand Analysis


Final Report

How the report is structured

The report details competition on Amazon, according to the catalog sent, as well as category analysis to guide the selection of areas of interest, opportunities, and trends. In this analysis, relevant information for decision-making will be visualized.

Multiple areas of interest, trends, market share volumes, possible volumes to be achieved (milestones), Amazon costs, future inventory level recommendations, packaging, differentiators, stability or seasonality at specific times (in special cases or if the client requires it) are evaluated, etc.
Multiple areas of interest, trends, market share volumes, possible volumes to be achieved (milestones), Amazon costs, future inventory level recommendations, packaging, differentiators, stability or seasonality at specific times (in special cases or if the client requires it) are evaluated, etc.
The report also includes the best-selling products in the category, main competitors (with their stores on Amazon), main differentiators of each selected SKU (Size, color, flavor, material, weight, size, packaging, and others). Price analysis (sale, commissions, and net profit, adjustment to the same opportunity tier seller vs seller if necessary). Analysis of the stability of specific selected sectors over time. (Up to 1 year, only at the client's request), viability analysis of the most recommended project, general recommendations, complete data sheet obtained in the analysis, presentation of data in summary version, opportunity index of each selected area of interest. Catalog of up to 30 different products (Material difference between them, in case of a larger quantity the price is adjusted to the client's need)

Finally, an advisory meeting is generated, explanation of the data found, guidance and clarification of questions.

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